I am a graduate student working towards a PhD focusing on privacy preserving and regulation compliant offline CBDCs and the secure hardware technologies to implement them. I am also particularly interested in federated and distributed architectures and how they can help to protect our privacy. I hold a Master’s degree in Embedded Systems from the Eindhoven University of Technology, where I also worked on intrusion detection and explainable machine learning for my thesis. I did my undergraduate studies at the ECE Department of University of Patras, where I conducted malware analysis and built a malware detection platform for my diploma thesis.slides Other interests of mine include operating systems, machine learning, and security. You can have a look at my CV here.
About the name
I have an interest in self-hosting and would like to setup a private, personal, and small (at the pico scale) cloud that will provide all the common web services (email, IM, file sharing, streaming, VM management). This site (or rather the domain) serves as the front-end for this cloud. More about this project you can find at the corresponding page.
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